Stacy Howardsmith

Walk to World Arthritis Day

My Activity Tracking


My target 720000 Steps

My donations could fund...


helpline calls



hours of research



people attend a self-management course

Why I'm walking to World Arthritis Day

I am raising money for Versus Arthritis by taking on Walk to World Arthritis Day.

This is my own personal challenge to support the lives of those living with arthritis in the UK. Versus Arthritis won’t rest until everyone with arthritis has access to the treatments and support they need to live the life they choose, with real hope of a cure in the future.

Your donations will fund world class research, high quality services and campaigns that matter most to people with arthritis.

My Achievements

My Updates

Just a lady with Arthritis 💘

Tuesday 27th Aug
It makes me feel emotional to think about how far I’ve come. I was diagnosed with juvenile idiopathic arthritis at 7 years old after years of doctors and specialists not knowing what was wrong with me. There’s been countless medications, days missing school and agonising pain. 

Back then, I didn’t want arthritis to be part of who I was. I wanted to be normal like all my friends and do everything they were doing. I didn’t want to be different and in pain 24/7. 

I finally learned to live with it more at around 21/22 years old, and I felt like I was becoming free. Working, doing things effortlessly like everyone else, not having to tell anyone about my illness, felt like I was normal. 

However, doing too much results in my arthritis having flare ups. Needing  more support than ever I feel drained, mentally and physically as I didn’t want to come to terms with being ill again and again. I have to slow down life and turn down plans due to pain as I felt no-one would understand. I can't get out of bed some days and just wanted to be someone else and not myself.

Now I’m getting somewhere, I want to share my story and help more people understand life with arthritis. I’d tell others to listen to your body, take self-care days, help your friends, family and work colleagues become more understanding, let your illness become apart of who you are and don’t be too hard on yourself. 

I joined groups on Facebook, which honestly helped me find so many people who feel the way I do and makes me feel like I’m not alone. 

It’s ok to have bad days, be kind to yourself and take one day at a time. ❤️”

It takes strength to live with arthritis. Thank you for reading and sharing my journey. If you want to start following drop me a note I add you to my blog 💖

I am also doing a challenge to raise funds for Arthritis if you like to donate it be appreciated!

Thank you to my Sponsors


Sandra Fenlon

Good luck Stacy. And well done you. Xxx




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Jordan Mcloughlin

Good luck.


Kathryn Holland

Good luck Stacy


Ross Wilson

Good luck stace we’re all behind you. X


Katie Howard Smith

So so proud of you Stace, you are amazing and will forever be my biggest inspiration 🥰


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