Mary Anderson

Walk to World Arthritis Day 2023

My Activity Tracking


My target 48000 Steps

My donations could fund...


helpline calls



hours of research



people attend a self-management course

Why I'm walking to World Arthritis Day

I am raising money for Versus Arthritis by taking on Walk to World Arthritis Day from 1st October to the day itself, the 12th October. I want to add another 1000 steps to my norm of 3000. My MSK conditions limit my mobility so this does represent a real challenge for me so please consider supporting me and the brilliant work of Versus Arthritis.

This is my own personal challenge to support the lives of those living with arthritis in the UK. Versus Arthritis won’t rest until everyone with arthritis has access to the treatments and support they need to live the life they choose, with real hope of a cure in the future.

Your donations will fund world class research, high quality services and campaigns that matter most to people with arthritis.

My Achievements

My Updates

Challenges and acceptance

Monday 9th Oct
The last few days have been tough. It’s a reality with my conditions that I have bad periods but I now know what to do thanks to the excellent courses and support from Versus Arthritis so a more or less shut down until today so I am behind on my overall target of steps but ahead in the amount I hoped to raise. Sometimes challenges are sent our way and we either completely give in or recognise there is another way and accept we will find it. I accepted my body needed rest but today I walked😊🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️

Day 5–Aced it!

Thursday 5th Oct
Day 5 was the easiest so far. By resting when I needed but moving on a regular basis, it’s amazing how suddenly you have 1000 steps done! There are lessons to learn here as one doctor who supports Versus Arthritis said “motion is the lotion” so it is important to move and step out of the comfort zone of the sofa! Here’s to another successful day!

A Good Day

Wednesday 4th Oct
Day 4 completed! The day of rest yesterday was so important as it meant I was raring to go today. It was a busy day with a few steps here and a few there rather than a planned walk but it meant I wasn’t on the sofa feeling as if I should be walking!
I will listen to my body tomorrow and see if it needs a bit more sofa time!😊

Some days are just hard

Tuesday 3rd Oct
So day 3 was one of those hard days! At around 11.00pm on day 2 I was walking around the dining room table and in and out of the kitchen to reach my 4000 step target and wham day 3 my body is not happy. So no guilt about being well below my target for today as the body needs rest but there is more determination to make up the steps as I know from first hand experience the difference Versus Arthritis can make to people’s lives so I’m not giving up, just resting. A very dear friend often reminds me that when facing  challenges think about how you would eat an elephant—one bite at a time! So for today no more bites but tomorrow is another day and one step at a time! 

Day 2- a hard one!

Monday 2nd Oct
Day 2 of walking to world arthritis day , I achieved my extra 1000 steps but harder today as my body is pretty tired but putting in the effort, even when difficult, actually distracts from pain. The sense of achievement is great but I am fortunate I have so much support, so many don’t, that’s why Versus Arthritis is so important as it will be there providing support.

First day goal met!

Sunday 1st Oct
Managed to meet my 4000 steps goal with limited mobility but happy to push myself when Versus Arthritis pushes daily for the millions of us who have MSK conditions 

Fundraising day 1!

Sunday 1st Oct
Today is my first day of 12 walking for World Arthritis Day on 12th October. Any musculoskeletal condition can cause pain and many challenges. Versus Arthritis helps us all with support, advice and great courses. They also fund essential research. Please think about sponsoring me! Thank you.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Geoff Ellis

I love you. You’re a truly inspirational woman.


Anne Mcallister

Well done Mary, keep it up xx


Evelyn Collins

Good luck Mary, well done for taking on the challenge.


Karen And Alfredo

Good luck Mary!!


Duncan Anderson

Keep it up we know how hard it is for you


Chrissie & Nick

So proud of your courage & resilience.

