Louise Trewern

Walk to World Arthritis Day

My Activity Tracking


My target 60000 Steps

My donations could fund...


helpline calls



hours of research



people attend a self-management course

Why I'm walking to World Arthritis Day

I am raising money for Versus Arthritis by taking on Walk to World Arthritis Day.

This is my own personal challenge to support the lives of those living with arthritis in the UK. Versus Arthritis won’t rest until everyone with arthritis has access to the treatments and support they need to live the life they choose, with real hope of a cure in the future.

Your donations will fund world class research, high quality services and campaigns that matter most to people with arthritis.

My Achievements

My Updates

Early Start on Day Trip to Dawlish Warren

Thursday 5th Sep
Although it’s only September I feel it’s it’s important to make an early start on this challenge, especially as my health dictates when I can walk & how far & for how long! 
Yesterday was Winner Street Walkers day out to
Dawlish & my over all total for the day (my day) from start to finish was 7.11 miles & 17,444 steps which far exceeds my daily goal of 5,000 & was an extremely good day, my osteoarthritis in my knee definitely niggled but we all had a great day & I went home with a sense of achievement 👣😊☀️

Thank you to my Sponsors



Good luck with the walking. Versus Arthritis are an excellent charity


Louise Trewern