Louise Munson

Walk to World Arthritis Day

My Activity Tracking


My target 120000 Steps

My donations could fund...


helpline calls



hours of research



people attend a self-management course

Why I'm walking to World Arthritis Day

I am raising money for Versus Arthritis by taking on Walk to World Arthritis Day.

This is my own personal challenge to support the lives of those living with arthritis in the UK. Versus Arthritis won’t rest until everyone with arthritis has access to the treatments and support they need to live the life they choose, with real hope of a cure in the future.

Your donations will fund world class research, high quality services and campaigns that matter most to people with arthritis.

As many of you know this is a cause close to my heart!

 I've got two amazing JIA warriors in my life. Who to the the outside world are the most bubbly and outgoing girls you will meet! They often mask their pain and hardly ever complain. I've seen them both suffer with flare ups, take medication that makes them sick and the tears that go with having such a painful condition! So for them I do this, both Aria and Jacqui Kinge are such an inspiration and they don't let JIA define who they are. 

The steps may not seem much but for someone who's job is predominantly at a desk it will be a challenge , one I'm sure Kobi will thoroughly enjoy! Any penny's you can spare will be greatly appreciated!

My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors


Chris Grimes

Wishing you Happy feet, with love XxX


Paula Zygiert


Jacqui Kinge

Your support and love means the world always. You're gonna crush this x


Sonia Burton


Sammie Cave

Good luck my lovely - no doubt you'll smash it xx

