Emma Whiter

Walk to World Arthritis Day

My Activity Tracking


My target 72000 Steps

My donations could fund...


helpline calls



hours of research



people attend a self-management course

Why I'm walking to World Arthritis Day

I am raising money for Versus Arthritis by taking on Walk to World Arthritis Day.

This is my own personal challenge to support the lives of those living with arthritis in the UK. Versus Arthritis won’t rest until everyone with arthritis has access to the treatments and support they need to live the life they choose, with real hope of a cure in the future.

Your donations will fund world class research, high quality services and campaigns that matter most to people with arthritis.

My Achievements

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Why I am doing this

Thursday 29th Aug
I am taking part in Walk to World Arthritis Day to help raise funds for research and treatment for sufferers of arthritis in its many forms. As a sufferer of Ankylosing Spondylitis I hope to raise awareness of this type of arthritis and help the many sufferers out there. 

Having suffered from back pain since being a teenager and it getting progressively worse over the years, I now suffer from completely debilitating flare ups that quite literally floor me multiple times a year. 

At best I will be lucky and with careful management remain mobile and not in horrific pain day in day out or at worst, people can end up needing a wheelchair/other equipment if the disease progresses quickly. Everyone’s outcome is different.

Yet, I’m one of the lucky ones. My episodes of acute pain come and go and I live with only mild to moderate aches and pains on a more day-to-day basis. 

Since finding out my diagnosis of which I also have fibromyalgia, I have joined a support group on social media and see that there are many hundreds of people out there far worse off than me and live with almost constant agony. 

I not only want to raise awareness of this condition but also help as many other people with it as possible. 

If you can spare anything at all to help I am so grateful. I know times are hard and anything at all that you can give means the world to me. Thank you xx

Thank you to my Sponsors


Casey Flynn

Hugs Emma XX


Lynn Owen

You've got this!


The Maclennans

You’ll smash it x


Lee Whiter

Well done my darling.




Lisa Dean

So proud of you Em and really know what this means for you💕🤗 lots of love xxx


Jane & Colin

Hi Emma, best of luck and wish you a happy and healthier life to come xxx Colin and Jane Pryor ( ex slingates neighbours) xxxxxx


Emma Whiter


Andrea Jackson

Well done Emma x x