Cee Jae

Walk to World Arthritis Day

My Activity Tracking


My target 48000 Steps

My donations could fund...


helpline calls



hours of research



people attend a self-management course

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My Updates

Strapped up today. Need to be taking it more steady 😪

Monday 23rd Sep

My Arthritis Journey

Friday 20th Sep
I'm doing 48,000 steps in 12 days for "Walk to World Arthritis Day"

As an individual with 2 types of Arthritis, I have been challenging myself to do short daily walks recently, and this 12 day challenge has come along at a perfect time for me.
This challenge, I feel, will not only help me, and my body, but raise the crucial awareness of Arthritis.

I was always hypermobile as a child, and was really into gymnastics, and sports. I had a big health wobble at 11 which knocked alot of my social confidence with extra curricular activities.
My arthritis started at 17, as Psoriatic Arthritis, and affected me massively at college while I was studying hairdressing, and at work too. I have now gone on to be diagnosed with Osteoarthritis, Fibromyalgia, POTS and Osteitis Condensans Ilii  as the years have gone by.

I hope by losing weight gradually, eating cleaner and less, moving little and often, and resting and pacing when I need to, my conditions will feel alot more manageable overtime, and I can gain back parts of me again I thought I had lost!

Please only donate what you can. And if you could, spread the word of the challenge ahead! 

Thank you 🫂🙏🏼

Thank you to my Sponsors

